Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Asia Build It Back Better Vol.1

IINOTCUDORTN19“We are constantly evolving. With our creativity and Technology, We will continue to design truly enriching Environments and Culture.”* Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals to be reached by 2030 in relation to sustainable develop-ment, that were laid out by the United Nations in 2015. The goals are globally regarded as issues that corpora-tions must face for the next generation. * SDGsは2015年に国連で定められ、2030年までの達成を目指した17の持続可能な開発目標であり、今、世界的に企業が次代に向けて取り組むべき目標として注目されてる。私たちは、常に進化し、創造力と技術力で、真に豊かな環境、文化をつくり続けます。** The Mitsubishi Group Three Principles: Shoki Hoko (Corporate Responsibility to Society), Shoji Komei (Integrity and Fairness), and Ritsugyo Boeki (Global Understanding through Business.)**三菱三綱領:所期奉公、処事光明、立業貿易

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