Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Asia Build It Back Better Vol.1

IINOTCUDORTNBUILDING IT BACK BETTER The aim is for the individual to not suffer from sudden disruptive changes to their lifestyle between their daily lifestyle and if the world were to suffer another crisis. The individual should be able to easily adapt their lifestyle between differing circumstances.Integrating Natural ElementsCreating an urban sanctuary where people can feel comfortable and at ease in. creation of a personalized space for each individual is important for the person to express their own individualism. 14• Mental Wellness - • 環境ウェルネス : 自然との接点を持つことは、長期的な視点から人とウェルネスにとって重要なことです• 自然換気• 自然へのアクセス• 自然の要素を取り込む• メンタルウェルネス: • Personalization - allowing the • Enhanced User Experience - having symbiotic functions that will enrich the lives of the people. This includes having outdoor spaces and simulated performances to help achieve the enchanced user experience. • それぞれの個性を表現できるパー• 個々のユーザーの体験を重視した、人びとの生活を豊かにする自然との共生機能 シミュレーションに基づき効果を発揮するユーザーエクスペリエンスHealth & Wellnessヘルスケアとウェルネス• Environmental Wellness - having access to natural elements is key for the health & wellness of people especially in the long term: • Natural Ventilation• Access to nature• 人びとが快適で安心できる安らぎの場をつくりますUser-Focusedユーザー重視生産性を重視した効率化への動きは、ゆとりから生まれる効率化へシフトし、物理的ゆとりや心地よさを提供するアーバンスペースが求められるでしょう。ソナライズされた空間For the Individual 個人のために

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