三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt This project utilized a space for employees to socialize, opening it to the public. The facilities and paths were laid out to avoid cutting down trees that had been protected for over 70 years, and all rainwater is allowed to seep into the ground to return to groundwater, promoting plant growth and preserving the environment. Additionally, a library filled with books donated by local residents was constructed along the path. The enriching of the local community through books is visualized as a "forest bookshelf," with a large roof placed over it, creating a simple structure. The deep eaves over the veranda, where people can relax in the shade, prevent the books from fading by blocking direct sunlight, and the building as a whole has acquired ZEB Ready certification due to its reduced environmental impact. It is a place where people can relax and feel close to nature, while ensuring natural spaces are passed on to the local community.Project DataCompletion Location Building Use Site Area Total Floor Area 436m²Floors Structure June 2023Nishitokyo City, Tokyo, JapanPark, Library62,524m² (Park), 11,040m² (Library)1 above ground S, RC, Partly SRC009行員専用の交流の場を一般開放するプロジェクト。70年以上守られてきた樹木を伐採しないよう施設・園路を配置し、地下水への還元と植物の育成促進のため雨水はすべて地中へ浸透させるなど環境の継承を図りました。また、地域住民の寄贈図書で構成される図書館(ライブラリ)を園路沿いに設置。本を介した地域コミュニティの深まりを図書が集まる「森の本棚」として可視化し、その上に大屋根をかけるシンプルな構成に。人びとが憩う縁側に架かる深い軒は、屋内への直射を遮ることで本の日焼けを防止し、環境負荷の低減でZEB Readyを取得しました。貴重な自然に親しみ、楽しみながら地域で受け継いでいく場をつくっています。

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