三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024Our NewAtt emptsユーザが自由に開閉できる窓を設け、季節や気温に合わせて外気を取り入れられる執務環境を構築するインナー/アウターバルコニーや屋上テラスなど、オフィスを超えたさまざまな空間利用を仕掛けるThe three principles of the White Infrastructure Concept for a truly sustainable societyPractical Approach to the White Infrastructure Concept: Understanding the Life Cycles of Buildings and Cities高い快適性と生産性のもと、働きがいのある仕事環境をつくるには?都市と人間の居住地を、包摂的で持続可能なものにしていくには?賑わいと回遊性を地域に波及させていくため、事業者・行政と協議を重ねる誰でも通れる貫通通路やポケットパークを足元に設け、地域の新たな人の流れをつくるA truly sustainable society is one that embraces change and diversity and is constantly evolving. Achieving a truly sustainable society requires us to address a range of increasingly complex social issues and challenges.We, Mitsubishi Jisho Design, are a proponent of the “White Infrastructure Concept,” predicated on the approach of spaces having redundancy, flexibility, and changeability, underpinned by mechanisms that we call the new infrastructures of architecture and cities. This concept allows us to address social issues as we work to achieve a truly sustainable society.Our White Infrastructure Concept approach encompasses three key policies:With a history of over 130 years, we have a long-established tradition of pursuing urban growth and development from the perspective of local residents and communities, which ties in with the modern ethos of sustainability. In April 2022, the company’s English name was changed to “Mitsubishi Jisho Design,” reaffirming our commitment to the idea of “design” as a means of providing a wide range of solutions to social issues. This commitment has been combined with the three policies that underpin our practical approach to White Infrastructure Concept, consisting of three axes: physical variability, non-physical variability, and cutting-edge technology.Our approach allows flexibility and variability to be incorporated into the various phases of the urban and architectural life cycle, from the initial and developmental phases of a project, through the operational phase, to the improvement phase for further updates, providing a template for architectural design firms working to improve adaptability at the whole-of-society level.3rd MINAMI AOYAMA Creating flexible spaces that embrace diversity Pursuing a step-by-step organizational system of skills development and renewal Bringing physical and digital methods together to solve issuesThese policies are not limited to physical aspects (meaning the design of urban and architectural spaces) but also include non-physical and contemporary aspects, such as defining mechanisms and organizational frameworks, and utilizing data to help spaces function more effectively.We take an all-encompassing approach to these issues. As such, our efforts to realize a truly sustainable society encompass a wide range of initiatives and are not limited to the traditional confines of an architectural design firm.We are using a variety of different approaches to pursue a huge range of projects on an ongoing basis, not limited to the examples mentioned in this YEAR BOOK. These include mobility-based concepts for the cities of the future, as well as smartphone apps that deliver urban data directly to users. It is important to note that these go well beyond purely architectural solutions.In this way, the steady accumulation of practical experiences will help us to drive the lifecycle of cities and architecture in a better direction. Furthermore, collaboration and coordination with other projects will create momentum to drive efforts to address social issues and challenges of the modern era and achieve a truly sustainable society.We remain committed to working on the design of a truly sustainable society based on the “White Infrastructure Concept.”005時代を先取りする最先端技術の導入最先端技術の活用 からのアプローチハード的可変性 からのアプローチ可変的に空間を使いこなすプレイスメイキングさまざまな働き方を可能とするオフィスビル。賑やかな市街地と住宅街との境界に設計する上で、スケールを超えた回遊性を地域に与える。多様な屋内外空間をちりばめ、開かれた小路やポケットパークで東京都港区(2023~)ソフト的可変性 からのアプローチ多様な主体を巻き込む手法・検討プロセスのコンサルティングハード的可変性 からのアプローチまちと建築と人を緩やかにつなげる中間領域の設計: 社会課題Q

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