三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024Top icsTOKYO ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL 2024Mitsubishi Jisho Design In-house Award 2023035大規模建築イベントで設計者による一般向けツアーを開催一般の方に建築の魅力を感じてもらう東京初の大規模建築イベント「東京建築祭」。2024年5月、当社が本店を構える丸の内をはじめ、東京都心の複数の建物が公開され、使い手や研究者らによるガイドツアー等が行われました。初開催の今回、当社は協賛パートナーとして加わり、設計やリノベーションを手がけた「日本工業倶楽部会館」、「旧東京中央郵便局」、「大手町ビルSKY LAB」、「GINZA KABUKIZA」、「TOKYO TORCH Torch Tower」(2028年竣工予定)や丸の内の歴史的なオフィスビルを、担当設計者らが案内するツアーを実施。参加者からの積極的な質疑応答もあり、会期中2日間のイベント参加者数は延べ6万5,000人に上り大盛況のうちに終了しました。The TOKYO ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL was Tokyo's first large-scale architecture event to allow the general public to experience the appeal of architecture. In May 2024, several buildings in central Tokyo, including Marunouchi, where our head office is located, were opened to the public, and guided tours were held by building users and researchers. For this first event, our company participated as a sponsoring partner, and conducted tours guided by the architects of projects that we designed / renovated, including the Japan Industry Club Building, the former Tokyo Central Post Office, the Otemachi Building SKY LAB, GINZA KABUKIZA, and TOKYO TORCH Torch Tower (scheduled for completion in 2028), as well as historical office buildings in Marunouchi. There was also a lively question and answer sessions for participants, with the number of participants in the two-day event reaching a total of 65,000 people, making it a great success.優れたプロジェクトを讃える三菱地所設計の社内賞当社ブランドに寄与する優れたプロジェクトを表彰する「社内賞」。本年度は、外部審査員に原田真宏氏(芝浦工業大学教授、MOUNT FUJI ARCHITECTS STUDIO共同主宰)、倉渕隆氏(東京理科大学教授、同副学長、公益社団法人空気調和・衛生工学会会長)を迎え、開催しました。作品や環境技術にスポットを当てた賞に加え、重要度を増すコンサルティング業務やプロジェクト遂行上のマネジメントを評価する姿勢を明確にし、また社員投票による参加型の賞を設けるなど、計9つの多面的な軸で、幅と厚みを増す社内の取り組みを評価しました。当社は今後も企画・デザイン・技術力の一層の向上によって社会の期待に応え続けてまいります。Our "In-house Award" recognizes outstanding projects that contribute to our brand. This year, the awards were held with external judges Mr. Masahiro Harada (Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology, co-founder of MOUNT FUJI ARCHITECTS STUDIO) and Mr. Takashi Kurabuchi (Professor at Tokyo University of Science, Vice President, and Chairman of the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan).In addition to awards that focus on design works and environmental technologies, we evaluated our works, which are becoming more and more deep and extensive, on a total of nine multifaceted axes. Further to this, we added awards to clarify our stance of evaluating the increasingly important consulting work and project execution management, and established a participatory award based on employee voting.We will continue to meet and exceed the expectations of society by further improving our planning, design, and technical capabilities.東京建築祭 2024三菱地所設計 社内賞 2023

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