三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024Top ics©mitsubishiexpo2025©mitsubishiexpo2025Mitsubishi Pavilion for EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN楕円状に掘り込んだ大地に浮かぶ、長方形とひし形の空間。各図形の重なり合いで「生命・地球・人間」の協生を表す本パビリオンは、この場所でのショートサーキュラー(小さな資源循環)の提案です。半年間の仮設建築として、建設・解体時のコンクリート量を削減し、再利用できる鋼管杭の基礎で構成して解体を容易に。通常、工事現場で活躍する建設用足場や仮設資材などを本仕上げ材として転用し、環境負荷の低減を図ります。パビリオンが日射を遮る半地下空間は、来場者のための風通しよい待機スペースに。その掘削土は敷地造成に用い、万博会期後には埋め戻します。「地球に建つ建物、その建設から解体後まで」のライフサイクルを持続可能なものとしています。A rectangular and diamond-shaped space floating over an elliptical excavation in the ground. The overlapping shapes of the pavilion, which represent the coexistence of "life, earth, and humans," are a proposal for short-circulation (small resource circulation) at this site. As a temporary building that will last for only six months, and to reduce the amount of concrete used during construction and demolition, it will be construct with reusable steel pipe foundations for easy demolition. Construction scaffolding and temporary materials that are usually used at construction sites will be repurposed as finishing materials to reduce the environmental impact. The semi-underground space that the pavilion blocks from the sun will be a well-ventilated waiting space for visitors. The excavated soil will be used to develop the site, and will be backfilled after the Expo. The life cycle of this "building built on the earth, from its construction to its demolition and beyond" will be sustainable.Mitsubishi Jisho Design's regional urban development initiatives034ショートサーキュラー・デザインの万博パビリオン地域の枠を超えた「これからのまちづくり」を探求・実践人口減少社会を迎えた日本では、都市と地域、地域同士が手を取り合うことが不可欠です。当社は、国内各地で多様なまちづくりに取り組むプレイヤーとともに、それぞれのチャレンジを発信・共有するイベント「わたしたちのまちづくりサミット」を連続開催(2023年3月/秋田県男鹿市、2023年11月/長野県野沢温泉村)。まち歩きやディスカッションなどを通じて、地域の魅力を育て、活性化する手法について意見が交わされました。これを経て、当社は男鹿のまちづくりに加わり、旧港湾会館をホテルへと生まれ変わらせる計画にアドバイザーとして参画。地方での新たな取り組みを展開しています。In Japan, which is facing a declining population, collaboration between cities and rural regions, and even between rural regions themselves is essential. To this end, we held a series of events called "Our Town Development Summits" and invited companies working on various town development projects around the country to communicate and share their challenges (March 2023 in Oga City, Akita Prefecture, November 2023 in Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Prefecture). Through walking tours in each area and discussions, opinions were exchanged on methods to cultivate and revitalize the areas. After this, we joined Oga's town development and participated as an advisor in the plan to transform the former longshoreman hall into a hotel. With activities such as these, we are developing new initiatives in rural areas.2025年大阪・関西万博 三菱未来館三菱地所設計の地方におけるまちづくりの取り組み

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