三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024Consulti ojPrngects(Tentative name) Kyoto-Joyo Premium Outlets® Infrastructure Development Works Architectural Design and Construction SupervisionMORITA HOLDINGS CORPORATION New Base Development Project031大規模プロジェクトの礎となる「三菱地所設計の土木」地権者対応を含む土地区画整理事業の取りまとめから、計画地内の高圧送電線の移設に至るまで、土地利用計画における幅広い課題をクライアントとともに解決しながら設計・開発許認可に取り組んだプロジェクトです。当社は、周辺で行われていた道路工事との調整をはじめ、工事中に発生するさまざまな困難に対しても、粘り強く監理者として向き合いました。長期におよぶ計画を通じて、すべてのメンバーが一丸となってクライアントの満足度向上を最優先にプロジェクトをマネジメント。大規模な造成や公共施設の整備を伴う基盤整備工事を竣工へと導き、今後の展開につなぎました。This project involved working with the client to obtain design and development permits while resolving a wide range of issues in land use planning. This covered everything from coordinating the land readjustment project, including dealing with landowners, to relocating high-voltage power lines within the planned site. As the project supervisor, we persistently faced various difficulties that arose during the construction, such as coordinating with road construction work being carried out in the surrounding area. Throughout the lengthy planning period, all members worked together to manage the project with the highest priority placed on improving client satisfaction. We led the infrastructure development work, which involved large-scale land development and the construction of public facilities, to completion, creating connections for future developments.これからの研究開発を後押しする創造拠点づくり消防車や防災関連商品の製造販売等を行うモリタグループの新拠点「モリタATI(Advanced Technology Innovation)センター」。日本最大級の総合実験場を擁する実験棟、消防・救助活動での新技術実証に用いる防災訓練棟、共創スペースをもつラボ棟からなります。当社は基本構想段階から研究者とともに研究の将来的な広がりや可能性を議論。コスト高騰などの社会情勢に応え、発注方式の選定やスケジュール調整などでマネジメント力を発揮し、最大限にイノベーションを生み出せる場を、定められたコストの中でつくり出しました。構想から設計、アフターまで、クライアントの「安心・安全な社会づくり」への想いに伴走したプロジェクトです。Morita ATI (Advanced Technology Innovation) Center is the new base of the Morita Group, which manufactures and sells fire engines and disaster prevention related products. It consists of an experimental building with one of the largest comprehensive testing facilities in Japan, a disaster prevention training building used to demonstrate new technologies in firefighting and rescue activities, and a laboratory building with a co-creation space. We discussed the future expansion and possibilities of research with the researchers themselves right from the basic concept stage. In response to the social state, including issues such as rising costs, we demonstrated our management capabilities by selecting the best ordering method and optimizing the schedule, creating a place where innovation could be maximized within the set budget. From conception to design and beyond, this project matched the client's desire to "create a safe and secure society."(仮称)京都城陽プレミアム・アウトレット基盤整備工事 設計監理業務モリタグループ新拠点開発プロジェクト

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