三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024OngongPr i ojectsHirooka TerraceThe head office of The HOKKOKU Bank, which contributes to value creation for the region, was designed by us and completed in 2014. Adjacent to this, we are now developing Hirooka Terrace, a new construction that seeks to create an environment where new value is born from interactions between people, to support the prosperous future of the region and its tenant companies. The semi-outdoor terrace that connects to the office is a place for interaction. The exterior is designed to act as a gentle border between the interior, opening toward Keyaki-Dori Avenue. At the same time, it shields the office interior from direct sunlight, and reduces the air conditioning load together with the high-performance exterior. Energy conservation is achieved through a heat source system that uses groundwater, and energy is generated through solar power generation equipment, making it the first high-rise tenant office building over 20,000 m² in Japan to achieve Nearly ZEB. In the future, we aim to obtain LEED GOLD and WELL Health-Safety Rating certification. Completion is scheduled for July 2025.028地域の価値創造に貢献する北國銀行、その本店(当社設計、2014年竣工)に隣接する「Hirooka Terrace」では、人と人の交流から新たな価値が生まれ、地域や入居企業の豊かな未来を支える環境づくりを進めています。オフィスと連続する半屋外テラスは交流の場に。けやき大通りに対して点線のようにゆるやかに開く外観を構成します。同時に、オフィス内部への日射を遮蔽し、高性能外装とともに空調負荷低減を実現。地下水を用いた熱源システム等による省エネ化と、太陽光発電設備での創エネを図り、20,000m2超の高層テナントオフィスビルとして全国初のNearly ZEBを達成しました。今後はLEED GOLD、WELL Health-Safety Ratingの認証取得を目指します。2025年7月竣工予定。点線のようにゆるやかに開く「まちの止まり木」Hirooka Terrace

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