三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024OngongPr i ojectsCaption by Hyatt Kabutocho TokyoBANK OF THE RYUKYUS Headquarters027高い汎用性で木造木質化の普及を図るハイブリットホテル平和不動産が日本橋兜町・茅場町再活性化プロジェクトの一環で建設中の木造ハイブリッド構造の12階建てホテル。主構造を鉄骨造としながら、客室外周部の柱・梁を木造化し、ファサードに表出させることでサステナビリティへの貢献を印象付けます。木の構造体への利用に加え、低~中層階の客室には製材型枠を用いて天井高を上げ、木の質感を感じられる開放的な空間をつくります。構造計画において、木造化に適した部位を検証し、合理的な木部材の選定と採用を行った点が評価され、令和4年度サステナブル建築物等先導事業(木造先導型)に採択されました。都市部の中高層建築における木造導入の可能性を示すプロジェクトです。2025年竣工予定。Heiwa Real Estate is building this 12-story wooden hybrid construction hotel as part of the Nihonbashi Kabutocho/Kayabacho revitalization project. While the main structure is steel frame construction, the pillars and beams around the periphery of the guest rooms are made of wood, as is the exposed facade, revealing the project’s contribution to sustainability. In addition to using wood for the structure, lumber formwork will be used to raise the ceiling height of the guest rooms on the lower and middle floors, creating a more open space where guests can feel the texture of wood. The structural plan was praised for verifying areas suitable for wood construction and selecting and adopting appropriate wooden materials, and thus, the project was selected as a “Pioneering Sustainable Building Project (pioneering wood-based type) in 2022” by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. This project shows the possibility of introducing wood construction to mid- to high-rise buildings in urban areas.Completion is scheduled for 2025.地域に根差した風景をつくり出す銀行とホテルの複合計画沖縄県那覇市の中心部・ゆいレール県庁前駅で工事が進む、銀行本店とホテルの複合計画です。当地の気候から導かれた伝統的な雨端(アマハジ/半屋外空間)を積層したようなデザインが地域に根差した新たな風景を創出。強い日差しを遮りつつ風を取り入れる穴あきルーバーが、外壁の熱負荷を軽減しつつ快適な庇下空間をつくります。オフィスにはフレキシビリティの高い執務空間やリフレッシュスペースなどを計画し、行員同士が協働できる環境を整えました。異なる機能の複合により、観光客や来訪者らと地域とを結び合わせる役割を果たします。2025年10月竣工予定。Construction is currently underway at Prefectural Office Station on the Yui Rail in the center of Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, for a bank headquarters and hotel complex. The design, which is inspired by the local climate and resembles a layered version of traditional Okinawan amahaji dwellings (meaning semi-outdoor space), creates new scenery rooted in the region. Perforated louvers shield users from direct sunlight while letting the breeze through, reducing the heat load on the exterior walls and creating a comfortable spot under the eaves. The office is designed to have highly flexible work spaces and refreshing areas, creating an environment where bank employees can work together. The combination of different functions will serve to connect tourists and visitors to the region. Completion is scheduled for October 2025.キャプションby Hyatt 兜町 東京琉球銀行本店

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