三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024Ove ojrseas PrectsVeneti-An Tea House / Arabi-An Tea House"Veneti-An Tea House" and "Arabi-An Tea House" are a world-first series of tea houses that use food waste as a structural material, displayed at the "TIME, SPACE, EXISTENCE" exhibition held in conjunction with the Venice Biennale and Dubai Design Week in 2023. The names feature the Japanese word "An /庵 " meaning a "small dwelling." We have developed a form-generating algorithm that uses the latitude of each region to manipulate the amount of sunlight entering the structure, creating comfortable spaces. We have created a pavilion that "returns 100% to the earth" by refining building materials from the distinctive food wastes of each region of the world. All of the building materials, which are made of small pieces, can be stored in suitcases, and transported and constructed by the user without tools further contributing to reducing CO2 emissions during transportation. It is an approach to "global and local" design and "resource cyclicity."023「ベネチ庵」・「アラビ庵」は、2023年、ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレに合わせて開催された「TIME, SPACE, EXISTENCE」展とドバイ・デザインウィークで発表した、世界で初めて食品廃棄物を構造体に用いた茶室の連作です。各地の緯度に基づき、日射操作で快適な空間をつくる、グローバルに展開できる形態生成アルゴリズムを構築。世界各地の特色ある食品廃棄物から建材を精製し、「100%土に還る」パビリオンを実現しました。小材からなる一連の建材はすべてスーツケースに収めて自主運搬・施工を可能とし、輸送時のCO2削減にも寄与。「グローバルとローカル」「資源の循環性」に対するアプローチとなっています。食品廃棄物で紡ぐ「サーキュラーな」茶室を世界に展開ベネチ庵・アラビ庵

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