三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt Kirameki Terrace鹿児島市交通局の跡地で進められてきた、ヘルスケアの活性化、新産業創出・地域競争力強化等を掲げた複合再開発プロジェクト。子育て、学び、介護など、人を支える仕組みを集約したまちづくりにおいて、当社は「エネルギーセンター」「キラメキテラスヘルスケアホスピタル」「いまきいれ総合病院」の設計監理等を7年にわたり担ってきました。2023年5月、エリア全面開業とともに、同じく当社が設計した県下初の外資系ホテル「シェラトン鹿児島」がオープン。医療連携やエネルギーマネジメント等を行うコンパクトシティの先駆けとして、観光や雇用創出への寄与にも注目が集まります。This is a redevelopment complex project that was completed on the former site of the Kagoshima City Transportation Bureau, with the aim of revitalizing healthcare, creating new industries, and strengthening regional competitiveness. In the field of urban development, which brings together systems to support people, such as child-rearing, learning, and nursing care, we have been responsible for the architectural design and construction supervision, etc. of the Energy Center, KIRAMEKI Terrace Healthcare Hospital, and IMAKIIRE GENERAL HOSPITAL for seven years. In May 2023, along with the full opening of the area, the Sheraton Kagoshima, the prefecture's first foreign-owned hotel, also designed by us, was opened. As a pioneering compact city conducting medical collaboration and energy management, it is also drawing attention for its contribution to tourism and job creation.19 above ground, 2 rooftopS018Project DataCompletion February 2023Location Kagoshima City,Kagoshima, Japan Building Use Hospitality Site Area 11,866m²Total Floor Area 24,078m²Floors Structure 健やかな暮らしを支えるコンパクトシティのモデルケースキラメキテラス

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