三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt A bank branch rebuilding project requiring an environmentally friendly construction. The building was designed with a "layered" floor plan, with rooms not requiring air-conditioning and so-called back rooms located around the perimeter, where the heat load from the outside is high, and deep-set openings to prevent direct sunlight from reaching the interior of the building. These passive methods were used to reduce the environmental impact, and the building was certified Nearly ZEB. In recent years, steel construction has become the norm for bank construction, but this building uses reinforced concrete around the perimeter as an earthquake-resistant element, integrating design with structure, and also helping to avoid the risks of rising steel prices and construction delays. At the same time, the reinforced concrete framework is finished to create a highly designed exterior. The building interior features MI Deck (manufactured by MEC Industry), a formwork and finishing material that creates a warm and open space to meet the social demand for sustainable wood use.Project DataJuly 2023Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka,JapanBank791m²Completion Location Building Use Site Area Total Floor Area 1,182m²Floors Structure 3 above groundRC017環境配慮型の銀行店舗が求められた建て替えプロジェクト。外気熱負荷の高い外周部に非空調室やバック諸室を配置した「重ね着」状の平面構成とし、彫りの深い開口で建物内部への日射の直達を防ぐ等、パッシブな手法で環境負荷を低減しNearly ZEBを取得しました。近年、S造が主流の銀行建築ですが、ここでは外周を耐震要素としたRC造として意匠と構造を一体化し、鉄の価格高騰や工事遅延のリスク回避にも貢献。同時にRC躯体を外装仕上げとした意匠性豊かな外観を実現。屋内には型枠材兼仕上材「MIデッキ」(製造:MEC Industry)を導入し、社会の木利用の要請にも応えた温もりと開放感ある空間を演出しました。

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