三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt This is Shinryo Corporation's new research base, constructed around the theme of FeELD (Feel + Field), it aims to stimulate people's ability to "feel" and to allow them to choose their own place, or "field," of work. It proposes the concept of "ABW + e (environment)," which adds lighting and air-conditioning to the ABW (Activity Based Working: A way of working in which workers choose their location depending on the task) options. From outdoors to semi-outdoor spaces to indoors, people can select a workplace from a variety of "fields" where differing environments, such as temperature, brightness, and size, continue in a gradual pattern. The Grand Roof shields the interior from direct sunlight yet has large openings, and works to achieve both energy conservation and improved comfort beyond the generally accepted solutions for environmentally friendly facilities, achieving the highest evaluation in each certification system: ZEB, and CASBEE-Wellness Office Rank S.Project DataCompletion November 2023Location Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, JapanBuilding Use LaboratoriesSite Area 34,676m²Total Floor Area 4,807m²Floors Structure 3 above groundS015ひとの「感じる力」を刺激し、自ら働く場所「FeELD(Feel+Field)」を選べることをテーマとした、同社の新たな研究拠点です。ABW*の選択肢に光と空調環境も加えた「ABW+e(environment)」を提案。屋外~半屋外空間~屋内まで、温度・明るさ・広さなど、異なる環境がグラデ―ション状に連続する多彩な「場」から居場所を見つけることができます。グランドルーフ(大屋根)で日射を遮り大開口を実現するなど、環境配慮型施設の一般解を超えて省エネと快適性向上の両立に取り組み、それぞれの最高評価(『ZEB』とCASBEEウェルネスオフィスSランク)を獲得しました。*Activity Based Working/仕事に応じて場所を選ぶ働き方

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