三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt Tsuji Culinary Institute TokyoA culinary school located on the border between a residential area and a university campus. Aiming for the building to blend in with the lush surrounding environment, the existing row of cherry trees was preserved and the exterior designed to echoed this. The building's articulations and openings have been designed to create a structure that allows students to feel nature from anywhere inside, while the boundaries created by doors and walls have been reduced to create an open space where faculty, staff and students can exchange ideas and stimulate each other. In the practice rooms, which are styled like restaurant kitchens and confectionery workshops, students can take classes while imagining their future workplaces. The plan aimed to create a place of learning open to the local community that will nurture students with a broad perspective on society in addition to honing their culinary skills.Project DataCompletion June 2023Location Koganei City, Tokyo, JapanBuilding Use EducationSite Area 3,948m²Total Floor Area 4,998m²Floors Structure 3 above ground, 1 rooftop S013住宅街と大学キャンパスの境界に建つ調理師専門学校。建物と周囲の緑豊かな環境が互いに溶け込むようなあり方を目指して、既存の桜並木を保存し、これに呼応する外観デザインとしました。建物の分節や開口部の工夫で、屋内のどこにいても自然を感じられる構成にするとともに、扉・壁による境界を減らし、教職員・学生らが意見を交わして刺激し合える開放的な設えに。レストランの厨房や製菓工房さながらの実習室では、将来の職場をイメージしながら授業に取り組むことができます。技術の研鑽に加え、社会への広い視野を持つ学生を育てる、地域に開かれた学びの場を目指した計画です。地域社会に溶け込む学びの場の創出辻󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀󠄀

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