三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2024

YeaBookr 2024ecVew ojiPrt This tenant office building stands on the border between the commercial district facing Aoyama-dori, Tokyo's leading thoroughfare, and the residential area that spreads out behind it. We aimed to create a building that would epitomize "urban improvement" by drawing in people from the main streets with alleys and pocket parks on the premises, bringing high circulation to this dual-faceted area. The pilotis, which are designed with careful consideration for the landscape and materials, aim to achieve a coexistence at urban and human scales. And the outer and inner balconies that characterize the facade and other spaces that cater to a variety of situations enable diverse working styles. With this development, we have created a workplace that enhances employee interaction and engagement.Project DataCompletion February 2023Location Minato City, Tokyo, JapanBuilding Use Office, RetailSite Area 2,405m²Total Floor Area 14,739m²Floors Structure 13 above ground, 1 basementS, Partly SRC011東京を代表する目抜き通り・青山通りに面する商業地域と、背後に広がる住宅地域の境界に建つテナントオフィスビル。敷地内に小路やポケットパークを設け表通りからひとを引き込み、二面性あるエリアに高い回遊性をもたらす「まちづくり」としてのビルを目指しました。ランドスケープや素材を感じられる細やかな設えを意識したピロティで都市スケールとヒューマンスケールの共存を図り、ファサードを特徴づけるアウター・インナーバルコニーをはじめ、さまざまなシーンに応える空間を設けて多様な働き方を可能に。従業員の交流やエンゲージメントを高めるワークプレイスをつくり出しています。

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