三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2023

003Responding to Ever-Changing World with FlexibilityIn 2020, the 130th anniversary of its founding, Mitsubishi Jisho Design redefined its management philosophy: “We are constantly evolving. With our creativity and technology, we will continue to design truly enriching environments and cultures.” Since then, we, as a company, have been cooperating with various stakeholders to address social issues in this drastically changing world through the realization of our clients’ aspirations. Today, with the era of the carbon-free society approaching, the problems are becoming increasingly diverse and complex, requiring much higher level of inquiries. To accomplish true sustainability, we must equip our cities and architecture with advanced capabilities that contribute to the effort. At the same time, cities and architecture must respect people’s lives and be able to respond to various changes. Our goal is to realize projects that keep evolving after completion and are cherished by people for a long time. To enhance our creativity and technical capabilities, we will continue to promote digital transformation in our design process and services and venture into new business fields and, working hand in hand with a wide range of people and companies, strive to become a design firm that remains indispensable to the world.変わり続ける世の中に、しなやかな姿勢で応える当社は2020年(創業130周年)、経営理念を『私たちは、常に進化し、創造力と技術力で、真に豊かな環境・文化をつくり続けます』と再定義し、激変する世界情勢の中、クライアントの想いの実現を通して、さまざまなステークホルダーとともに社会課題に向き合ってきました。今日、脱炭素社会の到来を目前に、それらはより一層の多様さ・複雑さを増し、さらに高度な検討が求められています。都市・建築においてもこれに寄与する高い性能を備えると同時に、⼈びとの生活に寄り添いさまざまな変化に応えられるものであることが真のサステナブルなもののありようと言えるでしょう。──竣工を経てなお進化し続け、長く愛され続けること──私たちは創造力と技術力を高めてこれを実現すべく、設計プロセスやサービスにおけるDXを推進し新事業領域への挑戦を続け、さまざまな⼈びと・企業と手を取り合いながら、これからも世の中に必要とされ続ける設計事務所を目指してまいります。

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