三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2023

Year Book 2023Overseas ProjectsSHANGHAI GREENLAND XINGHONG PLAZAProject Data021A large-scale mixed-use development facing the Huangpu River, near Lujiazui District Shanghai, China. Based on the concept of “Green Hill,” two office towers (150 and 60 meters) and low-rise commercial facilities are laid out in response to the surrounding environment. The commercial facilities take full advantage of the adjacent green park on the south and are designed in the form of terraces that blend with nature. The exterior of the taller office tower incorporates vertical louvers of varying depths depending on the height to block sunlight, creating an iconic façade that stands out in the surrounding area. The office entrance is designed as a large—15 meters tall—open space, which enhances the visibility from the front road.Completion Location Building Use Site Area 28,462m²Total Floor Area 130,292m²Floors Structure December 2021Shanghai, ChinaOffice, Retail 32 above ground,2 basementRC, S中国、上海市の陸家嘴地区の近く、黄浦江に面するエリアに位置する大型複合開発。「GREEN HILL」をコンセプトに、高さ150mと60mのオフィスタワー2棟と低層商業施設を周辺環境に配慮しながら配棟しました。敷地南側の緑地公園に面する商業施設は、その特性を活かし、段丘状のテラスが緑と一体になった計画。オフィスタワーはルーバーの奥行を高さによって変化させ、日射遮蔽を考慮しつつ周辺のシンボルとなる外観デザインとしました。オフィスエントランスは高さ15mの開放感のある大空間とし、前面道路からの視認性を高めています。上海緑地星弘

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