三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2023

Year Book 2023Project ViewSustainability▪陶石の堅牢さと温かみを表現した外装、産業廃棄物となる陶片を活⽤した外構により、佐賀のやきもの文化と建築を融合▪浸水対策のかさ上げを活かした、街の舞台となる屋外広場▪街との接点に公開スタジオを付置し、視聴者との継続的な関係を構築Project ViewJapan Broadcasting Corporation SAGA StationProject Data017Completion Location Building Use Site Area 3,715m²Total Floor Area 5,268m²Floors Structure 「情報・文化・交流の核となる、まちなか再生のさきがけ」をコンセプトに、公共放送の現場を視聴者と共有し、地域に根ざす放送局を目指しました。佐賀城址や県の広場が近接する立地を活かし、リアルな放送空間がダイレクトに街とつながる空間を屋内外に展開。陶磁器の原料となる陶石に着想を得た外装と共に、街と一体になり、親しみを感じさせる建築としました。また、陶磁器の製造過程において産業廃棄物となってしまう陶片の活用を検討し、外構や内装仕上げの一部に使用しています。The project, themed “the core of information, culture, and communication—pioneering urban revitalization,” aims to create a community-rooted broadcast station that opens the creative scene of public broadcast to the viewers. Leveraging the site’s proximity to the Saga Castle ruins and a prefectural plaza, the building has indoor and outdoor spaces in which a real broadcasting environment is directly connected with the town. Coupled with the façade inspired by material stone for ceramic ware, the architecture is designed to integrate with the city and arouse a sense of familiarity among the citizens. Furthermore, we studied different ways to incorporate pot shards, industrial waste produced during ceramic ware production, and used them in parts of the exterior landscape and interior finishes.September 2021Saga City, Saga, JapanBroadcast Station3 above ground,1 rooftop S(Seismic Isolation)NHK佐賀放送会館

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