三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2023

Year Book 2023Project ViewSustainability▪歩道拡幅・美装化+敷地内の歩道状空地整備により、地域インフラを改善▪有事の防災に寄与する公衆トイレや備蓄倉庫を整備▪都の「赤ちゃん・ふらっと」対応施設を整備し、来街者への地域サービスレベルを向上▪旧分院の建材を内外装に活⽤▪使い勝手に合わせて省エネ・BCPを図れる設備計画▪熱負荷抑制を図った外皮計画によって、PAL*段階3を実現016Tsukiji Hongwanji Tsukudajima-BuninProject DataCompletion Location Building Use Site Area Total Floor Area 3,082m²Floors Structure 築地本願寺における都市開教事業の拠点を再整備する計画です。旧分院と隣接した公衆トイレの敷地を一体開発し、新たな都市型寺院を目指しました。歩道拡幅等の歩行者空間の拡充を図りつつ、平時のコミュニティ拠点となる寺院や寺カフェ、有事の防災に寄与する公衆トイレや備蓄倉庫、地域の高齢者福祉施設の充実に貢献する老⼈ホームを整備。外観は長年親しまれた「和」のイメージを踏襲し、旧分院の瓦や木材を内外装に活用することで、まちなみの記憶の継承を図っています。A project to renew the base for Tsukiji Hongwanji’s urban preaching program. The sites for the former branch temple and an adjacent public restroom were developed together to house a new urban temple. In addition to expanding the pedestrian space, such as sidewalks, the project includes the temple and café, which function as a community base at ordinary times, a public restroom and stockpile storage, which contribute to disaster prevention in case of emergency, and a nursing home, which helps enhance welfare facilities for older people in the community. The exterior retains the traditional Japanese style that people have long felt familiar with, with the interior and exterior utilizing the roof tiles and wood from the existing branch temple to carry on the town’s memory.July 2021Chuo City, Tokyo, JapanTemple, Café, Residences for Elderly, Public Toilet420m²9 above ground,1 basement RCProject View築地本願寺佃島分院

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