三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2023

Year Book 2023Project ViewSustainability▪東西に長い平面形状と窓を最小限にすることで射熱負荷を軽減▪4階オフィスは北側からの安定した採光により、省エネに配慮しつつ明るさを確保Project ViewNOHMI BOSAI Mitaka FactoryProject Data015Completion Location Building Use Site Area 4,958m²Total Floor Area 10,369m²Floors Structure 防災盤を製作する工場の移転プロジェクトです。敷地が面する通学路の安全性確保や近隣への騒音対策、街並みの連続性を重視し、歩道際まで細長型の建物を伸ばし、荷捌場を奥側に配置しました。振動・温湿度管理の与件から無窓・RC造としましたが、圧迫感緩和のためにボリュームを3つに分節。そこに3種類の凹凸パターンを装うことで「防災安全」「製作技術」「地域の歴史」を表現しました。さらに隣地の緑と敷地内の植栽を一体化。建物の一部をセットバックして各階および屋上テラスに緑を配し、豊かな緑地空間を生み出しています。A relocating project of a factory that produces fire alarm control panels. Taking into consideration the safety of a school route in front of the site, control of noise affecting the neighborhood, and continuity of the townscape, we decided to extend the building up to the edge of the road and place the cargo handling zone at the back. The building is designed as a windowless RC structure due to vibration and temperature/humidity control requirements. To reduce its overwhelming presence, the architecture’s volume is broken into three parts. The three textured patterns on the surface embody the concepts of “disaster prevention and safety,” “manufacturing technology,” and “local history.” In addition, we integrated the neighboring greenery and the site’s plantings, set back parts of the building, and added greenery on each floor and the rooftop terrace to create abundant green space.May 2022Mitaka City, Tokyo, JapanFactory, Office4 above groundRC能美防災 三鷹工場

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