三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2022

Year Book 2022Special Feature007[上]テラスや緑化が随所に設けられ、広場との関係性を高めた低層部。大庇は吹き下ろす風を防ぐ。[左下]ビルエントランス。軒天にはマシンハッチを設置 [中]2階オフィスエントランス [右]3階ビルテナント就業者向け食堂「My Shokudo」Above: Terraces and greenery throughout the lower levels of the building enhance the relationship with the plaza. Large eaves prevent the wind from blowing down.Below left: The building entrance. The overhang’s soffit has a hatchway for equipment update. Middle: Office Entrance on the 2nd floor. Right: "My Shokudo", cafeteria for building users on the 3rd floor.首都高速(地下)Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway (Underground)Structiral DesignGiven the condition where a substation and the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway eat into the site underground, we adopted an overhang structure with slanted columns (1st–7th floors) around the entire perimeter and realized an easy-to-use floor plate for standard floors (approximately 1.2 times the basement footprint), an element desired by office tenants. The overhang creates a large piloti, which offers an entrance space for the building. Furthermore, the overhang’s soffit has a hatchway for equipment update work in critical mechanical rooms on the 4th through 7th floors.The structural design, unprecedented for a 200-meter-high skyscraper, includes oil dampers and viscous damping walls concentrated on the lower floors to achieve high earthquake resistance. At the top of the building, two 200-ton active mass dampers are installed to ensure habitability against long-period earthquakes and strong winds.アクティブマスダンパー(2基)Active mass damper (2 units)斜柱によるオーバーハング架構(1~7階)overhang structure with slanted columns (1st -7th floors) ▼ GL変電所(地下)Substation (Underground)構造計画地下で変電所と首都高が敷地内に食い込んだ形状に対して、斜め柱によるオーバーハング架構(1~7階)を全周採用しオフィステナントが求める使いやすい基準階フロアプレート(地下建築面積の約1.2倍)を実現しました。同時に、これによりできる大ピロティは、ビルのエントランス空間をつくり出すとともに、軒天部に仕込まれたマシンハッチから4~7階に設けた重要機械室の機器更新作業を行うことができます。高さ200m級の超高層ビルでは類を見ない架構計画となり、低層階にオイルダンパー・粘性制振壁を集中配置し、高い耐震性能を実現。頂部には200tのアクティブマスダンパーを2基設置し、長周期地震、強風に対する居住性を確保しています。

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