三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2022

Year Book 2022Overseas Projects018Chongqing FOSUN INTERNATIONAL CENTERProject DataLocated in Chongqing’s historic downtown in the city center, this mixed-use facility comprises a low-rise commercial building and a 200-meter-high offi ce building. It stands adjacent to Luohan Temple (founded in 1064), one of the country’s major cultural sites. We analyzed the surrounding environment and introduced a plaza next to the temple and a set-backed terrace in the low-rise to connect the city’s liveliness to the architecture while securing the view of the temple from the bustling front road. The skyscraper’s polyhedral shape, which was derived out of consideration for the wind environment, changes in appearance depending on the location. Together with lighting effects that resemble a river surface, the form strengthens the building’s presence.Completion LocationBuilding Use Site AreaTotal Floor AreaFloors Structure January, 2021Chongqing, ChinaOffi ce, Retail9,507m²124,145m²44 above ground4 basementRC中国重慶市の中心部、市の歴史的市街地に建つ低層の商業施設と高さ200mの超高層オフィスからなる複合施設。中国重点文化財である羅漢寺(創建1064年)に隣接しています。周辺環境を読み解き、羅漢寺に隣接する広場と、低層棟にセットバックしたテラスを設けることで、人びとが行き交う前面道路から羅漢寺への眺望を確保しつつ、街の賑わいを建築へと繋げます。風環境への配慮から生まれた多面体形状の超高層オフィスは場所によって見え方が変化し、川の水面をイメージした照明演出と相まってその存在を際立たせています。[ 海外プロジェクト]重慶復星国際中心Overseas Projects

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