三菱地所設計 YEAR BOOK 2020

Project ViewYear Book 2020御殿場プレミアムアウトレット®の第4期増床に合わせて、敷地内に計画されたホテルと温泉施設。高台の好立地からの富士山への眺望を生かし、垂れ壁のない客室窓、山頂まで見せるロビー、階段状の大浴場などを設けています。外観のポイントとなっている彫りの深い柱梁アウトフレームは、構造躯体としてだけでなく、西日の軽減、大浴場との見合いを解消、客室内の有効面積拡大の機能を持たせています。温泉施設内装・設備:アクアテックジャパン客室・レストラン内装:UDSThis project was for an onsite hotel and hot spring resort facility, planned to coincide with the phase 4 expansion of Gotemba Premium Outlets® (an outlet mall). Taking full advantage of the view of Mount Fuji from the prime, elevated location, guest room windows with no hanging walls, a lobby that showcases the view right up until the peak, and facilities such as a tiered hot spring bathing area were included. The external facade is distinctive for the deep-set frame of columns and beams that is pushed out onto the exterior. This functions not only as a structural frame, but also serves to reduce the amount of westerly sunshine, eliminate any sense of antagonism towards the hot spring area, and expand the eective area within the guest rooms. Interior and equipment for hot spring facility: Aquatech Japan, Interiors for guest rooms and restaurant: UDSCompletionOctober, 2019LocationGotemba City, Shizuoka, JapanBuilding UseHotel, Spa, F&B,Site Area12,297m²Total Floor Area12,035m²Floors8 above ground, StructureSRC, partially SProject Data環境対応▪アウトフレーム構造の採用による日射遮蔽、反射による昼光利用を実現▪EHPの採⽤によるCO2排出量の⼤幅削減、外調機の全熱交換機採用などで高水準の省エネ性能を実現013

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