三菱地所設計 YEARBOOK 2016

Year Book 2016Environmental ReviewEnvironmentalReview[ 環境レビュー ]2015年は国連気候変動枠組条約第21回締約国会議(COP21)でパリ協定※が採択されたエポックメイキングな年でした。これを受け我が国は2030年度にCO2を2013年度比で26%削減する国際公約に向け踏み出しました。建築分野においては約40%削減という驚異的な努力が必要となります。このため省エネ法なども改訂され、新築・改修ともますますの環境配慮が必要となりました。産・官・学が一体となって努力しなければなりません。国は2020年の実現に向けエネルギー消費のないZEB(Net Zero Energy Building)・ZEH(Net Zero Energy House) 建築の取り組みを推進し始めており、当社もこの動きをとらえZEB実現に向け、いち早く動き出しました。快適性や低コストを追求しながら省エネを実現するのはとても難しく、多くの知見や時代の先見性、発想の転換が必要です。こうした課題をさまざまな事業活動を行うお客様と一緒になって考えて行くために、設計監理者・コンサルタントとして豊富で適切な知識・情報を備えるべく当社は不断の努力を続けています。また近未来の技術としてすぐそこまできている水素技術やビル建築への木材利用、電力自由化への対応など、研究課題は山積みしており、多数の関係者の皆様と連携しながら、当社もこうした取り組みを推進してまいります。これからもお客様にとって信頼できる設計事務所でありつづけ、お客様一人ひとりを通じて社会に貢献してまいります。以下、2015年の当社の環境への取り組みをご覧ください。※締約国が2020年以降の温室効果ガスの自主的な削減目標を示し、世界全体で産業革命前と比べた気温の上昇を2度未満に抑えることが目標とされた。The year 2015 was an epoch making year in the eort to deal with global climate change, as leaders from around the world came together at the COP21 conference and adopted the Paris Agreement.* Japan has responded with an international commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 26% in 2030 compared to 2013 levels. In the field of architecture, this means that emissions will have to be reduced by an astonishing 40%. Toward this end, the Energy Saving Act and other laws will be amended to require higher environmental performance in new buildings and renovations. Closer cooperation than ever will be needed between industry, government, and academia.The government is working toward the realization by 2020 of architecture with zero net primary energy consumption through its Net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) and Net Zero Energy House (ZEH) programs. Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei has been quick to respond with an initiative to realize ZEB buildings. It is far from easy to realize energy savings while also pursuing comfort and low cost. New ways of thinking will be needed, along with advances in technology and a vision of the future. As a design supervisor and consultant, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei works together with its customers to address these issues within the framework of their business activities, and we are constantly striving to acquire the knowledge and information to perform that role more eectively.We are also working and cooperating with various partners on a multitude of research topics, such as hydrogen technology (now on the verge of realization), increased use of wood in architecture, and liberalization of the energy market. Via our work with each of our customers, we will continue to contribute to society, with a constantly renewed commitment to remaining a design rm that earns the trust of its customers. Following is an overview of our environmental activities in 2015.* Paris Agreement: An agreement to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The agreement starts in the year 2020. It was negotiated in Paris in December 2015 at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.環境レビューEnvironmental Review011

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